Show Notes:
Mentioned Articles and Videos:
- Almost there adventure podcast: Episode 19 Climbing with Elaina Arenz
- Basecamp A Climbing Magazine Podcast: the epic issue with Matt Samet, James Lucas, and Elaina Arenz
- Sideline Attraction: Episode 20 Elaina Arenz
- Live of Adventures: #4 Elaina Arenz A Climbing life
Elaina’s Links:
00:00:00 – Intro
00:04:00 – Getting into climbing, benefited from positive encouragement
00:06:50 – Epic road trip from Alaska -> Texas -> El Potrero Chico. first taste of vanlife
07:50:00 – Started the EPC (El Potrero Chico) days
09:00:00 – Owning and running a business in EPC with Kurt Smith, marketing EPC etc
00:10:20 – Guiding in EPC, making business work
00:11:01 – Climbing and learning from a stronger and more experienced climbing partner and he was also the sigfinicant other
00:12:25 – Pros and cons climbing with the significant other
00:14:25 – Feeing Pressure to perform but overall a very positive experience
00:14:57 – Developing sport climbing routes, learned how to place bolts but most importantly developed an eye for a new line, really enjoyed the process
00:16:12 – the art of finding a new sport climbing line, learned to see features, line of the least resistance
00:18:57 – Women’s photos on Climbing Magazine back in the 90s
00:20:23 – Looking up to local stronger woman climbers
00:21:53 – worked with role model Lynn Hill and how the relationships from early climbing days helped with Elaina’s latter pursuits
00:24:05 – whether growing up with three brothers helped Elaina navigate male-dominated fields?
00:25:20 – inspired and influenced by Craig Luebben Elaina opened a door to AMGA
00:27:03 – Feeling the need to gain higher certification because owning a guiding business
00:28:15 – Elaina’s childhood dream and how climbing “hijacked” her career
00:30:48 – 20+ years of guiding and instructing from working in a climbing gym -> EPC -> New River Mountain Guides -> Chicks Climbing and Skiing -> Red Rock Canyon
00:32:36 – Why guiding? rewards from guiding
00:33:53 – from Top Rope Site Management to taking more advanced AMGA course and exams
00:35:08 – how AMGA evolved during the past decades in Elaina’s eyes
00:37:06 – Reflecting on the experience forming a team with Tracy Martin to finish the Rock Guide track
00:42:35 – talking about challenges being a female guide and at New River Mountain Guides who request female guides
00:44:35 – not gender specific challenges in guiding. How Elaina managed the dilemma between work and play
00:47:10 – changes Elaina sees in guiding and climbing communities
00:48:10 – what Elaina chose to be a board member of the AMGA
00:50:28 – AMGA’s SOP (Scope of Practice)
00:52:10 – Differences between a guide and a climbing friend
00:54:00 – Elaina’s time management plan. Ask for help, prioritize, delegate
00:55:45 – At the start of AMGA’s affinity programs
00:57:30 – Where are Elaina’s past SPI students from the affinity programs? some keep pursuing guiding and some chose different paths
00:58:19 – Is guiding a good career choice? Rich in experience not so much in $$$?
00:59:40 – After establishing herself well in guiding, Elaina started to diversify, for example: rope access
01:01:55 – Rope access work another man-dominated field
01:05:01 – Coming back to affinity programs, the start and the end of Chicks Climbing and Skiing
01:09:37 – Stayed calm through all the twists and turns by be more prepared and giving herself buffer
01:11:08 – Exciting new hobby, dirt biking
01:14:38 – How to find Elaina and closing thoughts